
Thursday, July 28, 2011

I gained!

I have gained TWO freaking pounds since yesterday WTF? I'm trying really hard not to get down on myself but geez 2 freaking pounds in one day? That should be unheard of. I have been watching The Biggest Loser lately. I'm up to season 6 right now and my god what those people have to do to lose the weight is insane and I'm just not sure I have that in me :( But I know that the work will be worth it in the end. I just lack the severe motivation to do it. I've just got to keep pushing myself and pushing myself and when I want to quit I have to push even harder. Unfortunately I don't have Bob or Jillian breathing down my neck, I just have me and my 2 beautiful boys that I want to see grow into 2 beautiful successful men. I'm determined to lose this weight! 50 pounds to go, but my first goal is to hit 210, we will go on from there. Until tomorrow then.........

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